2024, October 16. Building Resilient Energy Infrastructure: Hydrogen, Import, and Carbon Management Strategies. Held online at the Insight Harvesting Workshop of the CETPartnership projects.

2024, October 15. On European hydrogen, import, and carbon management strategies. Held at the lunch talk series of the Department of Physical Resource Theory at Chalmers University in Gothenburg.

2024, October 8. PyPSA-Eur Modellanwendungen: Strategien für Wasserstoffwirtschaft & Carbon Management (in German). Held online at the first industry workshop of the RESILIENT project.

2024, September 25. What does integrated EU open energy system planning tell us about flexibility needs?. Held at the Energy Storage Coalition’s Worskhop on the Methodology for Flexibility Needs Assessments in Brussels

2024, July 2. The potential role of a hydrogen network in Europe. Held at the meetup of the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) in Berlin.

2024, June 26. Capacity Expansion Planning for Renewable Power Systems with PyPSA using HiGHS. Held at the HiGHS Workshop in Edinburgh.

2024, June 24. Intervention on the transport of clean molecules. Held online as part of a panel debate in the programme Clean Molecules for the Energy Transition from the Florence School of Regulation.

2024, June 6. Price Formation with 100% VRE. Held during the Macro-Energy Systems Workshop in Princeton.

2024, May 17. Energy Imports and Infrastructure in a Carbon-Neutral European Energy System. Held as part of the Martin Greiner retirement workshop in Aarhus.

2024, April 23. RESILIENT: Resilient Energy System Infrastructure Layouts for Industry, E-Fuels and Network Transitions. Held online as part of the kick-off meeting of the REWARDS project.

2024, April 10. Energy System Modelling with PyPSA – Examples for China. Held online as part of a capacity building workshop to Chinese researchers organised by Dr. Chen Chris Gong.

2024, April 8. Open Energy Infrastructure Planning for Net-Zero Carbon Emissions: Recent Research with PyPSA-Eur. Held at the IEA Wind Topical Expert Meeting #113 on Net Zero Electricity System Studies in Dublin.

2024, March 18. Hearing on the “Joint Hydrogen Strategy Berlin-Brandenburg: Accelerated Development of the Hydrogen Economy” (in German). Held at the Committee for Economy, Energy and Enterprises of the Berlin House of Representatives in Berlin.

2024, February 21. Workshop Introduction to PyPSA-Eur. Held during the kick-off of the RESILIENT project.

2024, January 29. Modelling Renewable Energy Systems (in German). Guest on the HYPAT podcast.


2023, December 15. Does Europe Need a Hydrogen Network?. Held at the Strommarkttreffen in Berlin.

2023, October 6. Price Formation with 100% VRE. Held online during the ECEMP.

2023, September 7. Hydrogen infrastructure planning in Europe: Networks, Imports, and Industry. Held at the SustainED workshop in Copenhagen.

2023, June 13. Energy Imports and Infrastructure in a Carbon-Neutral European Energy System. Held during the International Energy Workshop in Golden, USA.

2023, May 5. Energy Imports and Infrastructure in a Carbon-Neutral European Energy System. Held during the ENERDAY in Dresden.


2022, October 5. Energy Imports and Infrastructure in a Climate-Neutral European Energy System. Held online during the ECEMP.

2022, October 19. Upcoming PyPSA Developments. Held online as part of the first PyPSA user meeting.


2021, October 27. Broad Ranges of Investment Configurations for a Renewable European Electricity System Robust to Cost Uncertainty and Near-Optimality. Held online at the EMP-E conference.

2021, September 13. Broad Ranges of Investment Configurations for Renewable Power Systems, Robust to Cost Uncertainty and Near-Optimality. Held online at INFORMS General Meeting 2021.

2021, July 29. Computational and Near-Optimal Trade-Offs in Renewable Electricity System Modelling. Held at my PhD thesis defence in Karlsruhe.

2021, June 15. Broad Ranges of Investment Configurations for Renewable Power Systems, Robust to Cost Uncertainty and Near-Optimality. Held online at the International Energy Workshop 2021.


2020, July 15. PyPSA: Free Software for Investment Planning in Sector-Coupled Energy Systems. Held online as part of the IEEE PES General Meeting.